4 YouTube channels to help you on your entrepreneurship journey

2 min readOct 11, 2022
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

One of the countless ways we can be inspired to come up with original answers to challenges we encounter every day is by consuming content. The internet is filled with people that are sharing their entrepreneurship journeys, giving tips and helping others on the same path.

For that reason, we selected 4 YouTube Channels to help you on your entrepreneurship journey, with creativity and problem solutions.

1. Ali Abdaal

Ali is an English ex-Doctor, that turned entrepreneur. Across his videos, podcast and writing, he explores evidence-based strategies and tools that can help people live their best lives. Apart from that, he also shares great tips on how to find your career, how to make passive income, and much more. He healthily talks about productivity and is always sharing valuable content for people that want to become entrepreneurs.

2. Noah Kagan

Noah is an 8-figure founder that gives lessons on YouTube on how to start a business, grow it, improve your marketing and much more. He is the “Chief Sumo” of AppSumo.com, a company that offers tools and content to help other entrepreneurs. Before having his own company, Noah worked at Facebook, reporting directly to Mark Zuckerberg, where he helped build the Facebook Ads platform.

If you want to read more content like this, check out this article: 5 books to help you think out of the box and boost your creativity

3. HubSpot Marketing

HubSpot is a growth marketing platform that helps thousands of companies with the tools they need to grow better. You’ll find over 400 free marketing tutorials on their YouTube channel, with content about inbound marketing, SEO solutions, business trends, and more.

4. TEDx Talks

If you don’t know, TED was founded in 1984 and has featured several talks on many scientific, cultural, and academic topics over the years. Since 2006, they have been offering their talks for free online on their website and through two different YouTube channels: TED and TEDx Talks.

The difference between them is that while TED has a more global approach, TEDx focuses on locally-driven ideas and elevates them to a global stage. For that reason, their YouTube channel is a great place to get inspired, motivated and even develop new solutions for everyday problems.

Here at Edventures, we believe in the power of creativity, and that’s why we are profoundly dedicated to making sure everyone with the desire to learn, start and grow a business gets a chance to bring their ideas to life. We strive to shape a world where no idea is inhibited.

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